

Probate is the legal process of dealing with your estate after you pass away. Until the Executors obtain a grant of Probate, they cannot distribute the estate to the beneficiaries according to the Will. It can be a long and stressful process for your loved ones, taking six months to a year to complete. We can help prevent these problems with our Probate Plans.

Email or call us today to discuss creating your Probate Plan.

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Benefits of a Probate Plan

Probate could be required for assets as little as £5,000. It can be time-consuming and costly — between 1.5 to 3% of the value of your estate goes to your Solicitor. By planning and paying for your Probate now, you will:

  • Avoid future price increases
  • Reduce worry for your family
  • Pay less

Paying a fixed fee at today’s prices makes things easier in the future. There won’t be anything to pay when the time comes, minimising the stress on your family and friends at an emotional time.

Your financial savings vary depending on the current value of your estate. You can choose from a range of payment options for ease and flexibility.

We will guide you through the process and make sure your Will is executed quickly and accurately when the time comes. We will complete all the paperwork for the winding up of your estate. It’s an easy way to protect loved ones from unnecessary burdens.

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What’s included

To ensure the process is as simple as possible, our Probate Plans include the following:

  • Identifying, gathering and valuing your assets
  • Preparing Probate forms and other necessary documentation for the Grant of Representation
  • Applying for, and obtaining, the Grant of Representation from the Probate Registry
  • Dealing with HM Revenue & Customs to complete Income Tax, Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax forms, then making any necessary corrections
  • Identifying tax reliefs or exemptions to the estate before calculating tax owed
  • Liaising with the appropriate organisations, financial institutions and Beneficiaries throughout the process
  • Preparing the accounts and distributing the estate to Beneficiaries
  • A £300 allowance towards associated Probate costs, such as court fees

Ensure your assets pass onto your loved ones as you wish and save your family any undue stress with a Probate Plan.

Ready to know more?

Get in touch and speak to one of our friendly advisers today.