

A Will is a legal document that lets others know how you want to distribute your estate when you pass away. It allows you to specify the identity of your Beneficiaries and the Executors responsible for dealing with your Will.

Contact us for more information on our Will Writing services.

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Why make a Will?

Having a Will makes sure that your wishes are respected, and your estate is inherited by the people you choose. This gives you peace of mind about the financial safety of your loved ones. It is especially important to write a Will if you have family members who are financially dependent on you. You can nominate one or more Executors to carry out your wishes, but they must follow the instructions you leave behind. Close family members and friends are good choices. Write a Will with us to secure you and your family’s financial and emotional security.

What happens if I dont write a Will?

Some people assume that their Estate is too small to benefit from legal advice or assume it will automatically pass to their closest family members. Without a Will, however, the rules of intestacy apply and the government will decide how your estate is divided.

This may result in an outcome against your wishes. It may also mean that your belongings can’t be given to other people – including relatives, close friends, or causes that you care about.

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Keeping your Will up to date

It is important to keep your Will up to date, so your wishes reflect your current circumstances. If your Will has not been altered to incorporate significant life changes, it could be deemed invalid. This includes:

  • Marriage or divorce
  • The birth of a child or grandchild
  • An Executor dying or no longer wishing to act for you
  • Changes to your beneficiaries
  • Wishing to add a charitable contribution to your Will

How we can help

Writing a Will ensures the smooth transition of your estate to your loved ones. It makes sure your final wishes are met and means your assets will be left in the right hands. Clarke & Wright Estate Planning makes every step of the process as clear as possible. We also:

  • Can securely store your Will for free, so your loved ones can access it quickly when the time comes
  • Use simple and straightforward language in writing your Will, avoiding legal jargon so that your wishes are easy to understand.
  • Work with leading solicitors, to ensure that all of your wishes are clearly presented

Our consultants will visit you at home, to help plan the transfer of your estate. We let you make what you want to happen to your estate known, so you can:

  • Minimise Inheritance Tax
  • Mitigate care home fees and probate costs
  • Avoid sideways disinheritance